
REVIEW EDITOR: I have been purchasing the REVIEW off the newsstands for some time but am now having difficulty finding copies so by far the best thing is to sub scribe. Mr. H.K., New York.

REVIEW EDITOR: As for committing myself to regular monthly contributions, I prefer not to. But will come across with money, if, and when I can afford It. Can appreciate the difficulties you are laboring under and regret that I'm not in a position to do more.

Your work is truly worthy and I sincerely hope the society will be able to expand and prosper, even if slowly. It is a tough battle and will take a lot of educating of the public to the problems of the sexual deviate. But I believe there is a much more tolerant and understanding attitude developing. I can see evidence of It In some of the local court actions. But it is going to be a long hard pull to correct so many of the narrow minded policies that have been going on for centuries. More power to you. Mr. H.P., California.



Mattachine has tried, but it finds no short cuts to the acceptance and understanding to which it believes homosexuals are entitled as human beings. Prejudices that have been perpetuated for fifteen or more centuries do not wash away overnight. Fear of exposure prevents many personally concerned having even slightest identification with a project as sensitive as an attempt to cast light upon long dark and furtive sexual behavior problems.

But progress is being made. More and more persons of intelligence and good will are daring to call for reform and change from standards of the "Dark Ages" which no longer apply to an enlightened civilization. This does not mean abandonment of necessary responsible limitations which apply to everyone. But it does call for discard of laws and attitudes that have been weighed and found wanting in the light of modern scientific knowledge.

Mattachine's principle role in this is to call attention to and create an awareness of the problem. In this it IS succeeding, but slowly-as would be expected when a group so small and with so little resources tackles such a gigantic task.

More than ever the need for interest and support is evident. The need for intelligent expression on the subject is great, too, and we do solicit it from everywhere. But most of all dollars are needed to keep the Mattachine light burning-it represents a help and hope to thousands of troubled people over the U.S. and the English-speaking world. That's it-there's nothing more

to say.

693 Mission Street


San Francisco 5, California